
New age

One of my colleague's tells a story of his 2 year old son who one day while watching TV marches straight up to the television and in one motion places his fingers on the screen and glides them from the center out to the edges of the screen. He waits. He wonders. He tries again. He's trying to make the image bigger. His Dad has an iphone that he plays with.

My kids will likely never flip the dog-eared pages of a library book (will there even be brick libraries anymore?) or be formally taught cursive in school beyond their own signature. Being a kid has changed so much since I was one, even coloring with your crayolas seems like it might be phased out.

Monster Coloring Book from twistcone on Vimeo.

I love seeing all these fun new apps but it makes me nostalgic for the "old days", i.e. The 90's. 

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