
Sh*t my Dad says

While on our flight returning from the Red Sea I read a book entitled, Sh*t my Dad Says. The author Justin Halpern originally started documenting this father's ridiculous and sometimes hilarious words of wisdom via Twitter. As he says in the book, one day he had 100,000 people following him and then the next thing he knew, a million, and then came the book deal and most recently the US TV sitcom featuring William Shatner.

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“The worst thing you can be is a liar....Okay, fine, yes, the worst thing you can be is a Nazi, but then number two is liar. Nazi one, liar two.”

I was literally laughing out loud at certain points during this book. Each chapter begins with a quote. What follows is a very amusing story surrounding this father's words. His father has a foul mouth, so some of the humor does come solely from the shock of reading the profanity-filled rants. Surprisingly though, the book is also very touching. 
The mister and I downloaded the TV show the other night and watched the pilot. While there were some great one-liners, without the swearing a lot of the humor is gone. Still, we're going to download some more and see what they come up with. After all, William Shatner is pretty bad ass.

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