
I'm Back

Excuse my absence. I've just returned from 2 weeks in New Zealand, with a few days in Singapore on our way to and from London. I have to say I absolutely LOVED Singapore. It was so clean, efficient and modern. The whole city looked like it was built yesterday. I only realized when we were coming home, when I was reading the airplane magazine, that Singapore has a Universal Studios. Next time...

We flew Singapore Airlines, which has got to be the nicest airline on the face of the planet. I can even go as far as saying that the food was good. On the billion hour flight to and from New Zealand I discovered my love for Glee. I had seen the first episode when it premiered in the UK but hadn't kept up. I watched the first 13 episodes and am craving more.


I am slowly getting back into the swing of things. The weather in London has taken a turn for fantastic finally, so I hate sitting inside at a desk. I am nearing the end of my course work for my Master's (just a final, a presentation and 5 papers to go...oh and of course my dissertation). Just a few more months.

Pics from New Zealand coming soon.

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